Sunday, July 31, 2016

Babies are a Blessing from Above...

and always worth celebrating!! Especially when they are long awaited! My cousin, Sarahbeth, is just 2 years younger than me. She has been happily married for a few years now, and thrilled to be a step mom to 3 amazing kiddos. But this spring, she got a very exciting surprise - she found out that she was going to have a baby! It is so exciting to me for us to be pregnant together...something I didn't really expect to ever happen. So of course I wanted as many of the cousins to get together and celebrate with Sarahbeth.

We had such a great time at the baby shower. Fun stories, great gifts - some practical, some hilarious - and pieces of advice from the more seasoned mamas that we all will cherish in the future.

Many prayers and well wishes are already covering this precious little bundle of joy. We just can't wait to meet the little guy!

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