I was asked to do a review of a 7th Grade Literature Guide Set from Memoria Press. They were so gracious to send us the entire year's program - the student guide and teacher's guide for four different novels: Anne of Green Gables, The Hobbit, The Trojan War and The Bronze Bow. Chloe has been working through the student guide for Anne of Green Gables.
Memoria Press believes in challenging students. They often encourage parents to have their children try books slightly above their level to stretch their abilities. They pick quality literature that engages and sharpens the mind, and requires the reader to think beyond themselves. I really appreciate this, and it was a perfect fit for Chloe.
The Student Guide's daily lessons or chapter reviews are broken down into four components: vocabulary, spelling, comprehension and composition. The review questions require the reader to remember important details to the story, but to also work out deeper meanings. They may be stretched to learn empathy, puzzle out the WHY behind the actions, and to look at the overall picture behind the story.
There is a lot of dictionary work to the Student Guide. I must say, Chloe did not enjoy that at first. But I think she is seeing the reasoning behind it already. She is already a very eloquent speaker, but her vocabulary has definitely increased in this short time - words she thought she knew the meanings of have proven to mean something else entirely! It's been slightly comical for me to see her realize some of them!
Reading is second nature to breathing for Chloe. She simply devours books, and she has already read the complete Anne series. But when we got the student guide, she dove right back in! She said it was like revisiting an old friend, and she enjoyed it very much. I think the vocabulary section in particular has given the reading a much deeper understanding of the characters and the mood of the stories.
She will be finishing this guide in the next few weeks, and she is looking forward to beginning the next one. She hasn't read the other three books, so I look forward to hearing all about them!
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